Lakewood Village
Building Stats
Buildings – 4
Stories – 3
Units – 96
Square-footage – 29,000 sf
Workers Needed – 11 (Non-construction trained builders)
Location – Palm Beach County, FL
Lakewood Village
Building Stats
Buildings – 4
Stories – 3
Units – 96
Square-footage – 29,000 sf
Workers Needed – 11 (Non-construction trained builders)
Location – Palm Beach County, FL
“The exercise in designing a building material and an all-new building system was intellectually very interesting. For example, what is this building going to be like? What is this going to feel like when you're in the building? Does it feel like you're in a plastic building?
However, when in the completed structure is solid as the day is long. A chemically welded exterior bearing wall system that is incredibly strong.”